If You Don't Have Anything Valuable To Say... Say It Anyways

February 28, 2017 • 1 minute read • @mitchhanbergAnalytics

What does this mean?

In the professional world, feedback is incredibly important and can vastly beneficial, but sometimes our fear of criticism can stop you from sharing, which then inhibits you from learning.

There's nothing I hate more than being wrong, more so than others knowing I was wrong. Being able to leverage others knowledge to accelerate your own growth is a key to success (in my opinion, this is the part where you can tell me I'm wrong).

Obviously the title of the post is insinuating that you should make a blog and write articles about the stuff you are up to or any remarkable experiences, but I think it also applies to other areas of your life. It's not just about saying or writing, but it's also about doing, and this is something with which I struggle.

You'll never finish if you don't start

Many people never start a project because they don't want to get it wrong; they're afraid to build something that doesn't work becuase it'll mean that they're dumb.


Having produced half of a project is still better than having not started one at all. The experience you gained is more important than the finished product (not saying that finishing something isn't worth it, it definitely is).

The likelihood that anything revolutionary will come from this blog is low, but that's not going to stop me and it shouldn't stop you. Get out there and start that project, read that book, or just do that thing that you've been putting off.

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