Lead Software Engineer
My name is Mitchell Hanberg and I am a lead software engineer from Indianapolis, IN.
Lately I've been building backend distributed systems and Elixir developer tooling.
I am a member of the Elixir Language Server team, the leader and author of the elixir-tools family of developer tools, the maintainer of Wallaby, and the author of Temple.
elixir-tools is a collection of editor extensions, language servers, and tooling for productive Elixir development.
- Next LS - The language server for Elixir that just works
- elixir-tools.nvim - Neovim Plugin for Elixir
- elixir-tools.vscode - VSCode Plugin for Elixir
- Credo Language Server - LSP implementation for Credo
- GenLSP - Language Server Protocol behaviour for Elixir
- Spitfire - Error resilient parser for Elixir
- Tableau - Static Site Generator for Elixir
Temple is an HTML DSL and component system for Elixir and Phoenix and my first original contribution to the Elixir community.
Temple is fully compatible with HEEx, allowing you to mix and match components and write Phoenix LiveView programs with ease.
Inspired by the Lucky web framework templating language, Temple allows you to effortlessly author HTML without leaving the comfortable embrace of Elixir.
I learned a lot about macros and metaprogramming while building Temple and found a lot of great resources along the way, including:
- Metaprogramming Elixir by Chris McCord.
- Understanding Elixir Macros blog series by Saša Jurić
Wallaby is an Elixir integration testing library that provides a pleasant functional interface.
After using Wallaby on a side project, the original creator (Chris Keathley) stepped down as the lead maintainer and asked the community if anyone could take ownership of the library.
Having never "seriously" contributed to an open source project before, I was nervous about responding to Chris. So I started contributing small PRs to learn the code base and it lead to being asked to become an official maintainer of the library.
Maintaining a popular open source library has presented me with new challenges in addition to programming and I truly appreciate every opportunity Wallaby has given me.
Thank you Chris!
Conference Speaking
- OTP Process Abstractions with proc_lib at CodeBEAM America 2022
- Your Official Elixir Expert at CodeBEAM America 2025
- Elixir Mix #37 - The Elixir Language Service with Mitchell Hanberg
- Thinking Elixir #92 - Temple with Mitchell Hanberg
- Thinking Elixir #153 - Elixir Tools and Language Servers